Saturday, January 24, 2009

script to apply Citrix patches

This script applies patches patches to Citrix Presentation Server / XenApp server. It iterates through patch files in the current directory, examines the registry to determine whether the patch has already been applied, and applies it if not found.

Patches are available from

recommended use:
  • download the patches
  • paste the following script into a .cmd file in the patch directory (e.g, insthfx.cmd)
  • the script defaults to Presentation Server version 4.5 on Win2003: if your Citrix version is different or on a different OS, edit the variables under the :setup label (hfxProductVersion or hfxOSVersion) accordingly
  • logon to the Citrix server with administrative credentials
  • ensure no other users are logged on
  • run the script
This script has been in production for about a year on several different Citrix farms. Feel free to use or modify at your own risk - if something blows up, you have my sympathy. Applying any patch can cause problems with a system: I've had R03 misfire only one server, but that required removing and reinstalling PSE.

@if .%ECHO%. equ .. echo off
rem //
rem // script to apply Citrix XenApp (nee Presentation Server) patches
rem // copy script into directory with .msp files
rem // XenApp 5 uses prefix XAE
set hfxProductPrefix=PSE
set hfxProductVersion=450
rem // 64-bit patch version appends x64 to OS version
rem // e.g., W2K3X64
set hfxOSVersion=W2K3
set hfxRollupPrefix=%hfxProductPrefix%%hfxProductVersion%%hfxOSVersion%
rem //
rem // change into the directory where this script is located
rem // (and where the patches are located)
pushd %~dp0
rem //
rem // disable logon
rem // it would also be nice to check for logged-on users
rem // -- maybe later
change logon /disable
rem //
rem // find latest rollup
rem // (iterate through all the rollups in name order
rem // the variable will be set to the latest one
rem // when the iteration is complete)
for %%a in (%hfxRollupPrefix%R*.msp) do set hfxRollup=%%~na
rem //
rem // extract rollup version number
rem // (last three characters of file name)
set hfxRVersion=%hfxRollup:~-3%
rem //
rem // install rollups first
call :hfx %hfxRollup%.msp
rem //
rem // install post-rollup hotfixes in order
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /on /b %hfxProductPrefix%%hfxProductVersion%%hfxRVersion%%hfxOSVersion%*.msp') do call :hfx %%a
change logon /enable
goto :cleanup
rem //
rem // reboot after 60 seconds
if /i .%1. neq .noreboot. start shutdown.exe -f -t 60 -r
goto :end
set hfxpkg=%*
set hfxpkgname=%~n1
rem //
rem // find out whether the patch is listed in the registry
rem // reg.exe returns 1 if not found, 0 if found
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ProductCodes\Hotfixes\%hfxpkgname% > nul 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (
echo installing %hfxpkg%
start /wait msiexec /update %hfxpkg% /qn /norestart
choice /t:20 /d:y /c:y
goto :eof